Ronan’s Escape


The sad truth, some can’t watch due to the story line and the realistic ending, the truth of the matter is, as long as we pay a blind eye, pretending our eyes don’t see, so by ignoring the problem, our hearts will not feel their pain, meanwhile kids are dying, taking their own lives, well I’m here to put it in your face until you see what I see, reach out and please share the video and help spread awareness of Bullying, to torment a child to this extreme, a silent killer of children.

Short Video on Bullying

Written & Directed by A.J. Carter. Winner of 10 international film awards, this stunning short film set in the rural wheat belt of Western Australia, provides a candid insight into the life of Ronan (David Lazarus), a 14 yr old boy who’s been bullied at school his whole life. This accurate & controversial portrayal of life for someone who has fallen victim to bullying and the repercussions which exist, is told by director A.J. Carter in a unique, visually exposition intensive format with very little use of dialogue.

05Ronan’s Escape presents arbitrary scenes rather than traditional storytelling techniques which provokes audience discussion and individual interpretation of the scenes while reflecting on their own personal experiences.

*Continue the experience: Official Ronan’s Escape DVD with special features, script, behind the scenes, photo gallery and more available at
An educational ‘censored’ DVD is also available for use in schools. Please visit and contact the producers for further information.

Written & Directed by: A.J. Carter [] []
Format: 35mm / Super16mm Filmed on location in Western Australia
Produced by Smooth Motion Films []


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33 thoughts on “Ronan’s Escape

  1. Hi guys,

    Thank you for blogging on our film and participating in the much needed discussions which we were hoping this film would provoke.

    Due to the huge response and hundreds of requests from schools around the world, we are currently working on a curriculum to accompany the film in schools to streamline the learning process associated with Ronan’s Escape within the classroom. Stay tuned, and thank you again for all your support in helping us spread the word.

    -A.J. Carter
    Ronan’s Escape.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I watch things like this & all I feel is absolute rage. Bullying is not a silent killer, it is a vocal killer. And it is so hard to know how to handle things. So many schools have this zero tolerance violence policy. You always have the right to defend yourself.

    When I was in the 5th grade, there was a 3rd grader bullying my 1st grade brother. We were all at the bus stop one morning, and I walked up to this 3rd grader and told him to stop picking on my brother. He replied, ever so snidely, “What are you gonna do about it?” I punched him in the face. He went down. I turned and walked away, in my mind it was done. He tackled me from behind. Then my little brother tackled him. It was a bit of a scuffle. Parents may have been called into the school, I never had to talk to anyone about it. And yes, the bullying stopped.

    Now, I don’t make a habit of punching people in the face, generally I can stick up for myself & others with words. And I do. I guess you could say I have zero tolerance for bullies. And I have very little tolerance for teachers that allow this to go on, because they absolutely know, and often they are even a part of it. And if they don’t know, they shouldn’t be teaching.

    We all have a responsibility to one another.

    In looking up a particular quote, I have come upon some attribution difficulties, so I will include both:

    Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. John Stuart Mill

    When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. Edmund Burke

    Peace, love, hope, xx


  3. I remember thinking, when I was bullied at school, that there wasn’t any real clear cut way of stopping it.

    Teachers or parents stepping in just would make things worse, and there was no way they would be around when confronted later on.

    I can’t see how much has changed because you just can’t be there all the time, and I’m not sure that’s the solution.

    Somehow, it all sorted itself out, almost overnight, and I can only it down to people maturing.

    Surviving it, though, that was a challenge.


  4. I have watched this now more then once, debating if my children could handle seeing it. Given movie content and game graphics, I’ve decided yes they can watch it. I know you’re busy, no need to respond. Again, thank you for posting. Blessings

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My grandson just had surgery on his arm two days ago because a bully tackled him from behind and he hit the cement with both elbows and his head. The boys took movies on their phones while he was beaten. The kid was twice as big as he was (that is no loner the case). He was beaten 5 months ago. Part of his bone died and broke off. They drilled holes in his bone, hoping that it would stimulate bone growth so he won’t have to have a plate put in his elbow. He was on his way home from school. While he was having surgery and is now recovering…the bully is outside playing and going to football practice.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I cannot watch as I know the outcome. I was bullied as a child and still am bullied as an adult because of my weight…. by other ADULTS no less! Bullying doesn’t stop with school – it continues on into adulthood as the media perpetuates the stereotypes, promoting what’s “cool” and “uncool,” so if you’re not part of the “status quo,” you’re ostracized from society even in the workplace. We need to stop bullying across the board, as some of these adults that shout STOP BULLYING are themselves bullies to their own peers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ya your right, we all Bully at times, the expected result is not to destroy or make the person kill themselves though, rather a selfish act, what we refer to as a piratical “JOKE” it’s soon forgotten. Bullying on the other hand show signs of intent and motive which points to murder, it does not see, color, disability,race creed or sexuality, each case is exceptional, relying on a different body of facts and stands on it’s own merit. It Gets Better Though…cheers


  7. Reblogged this on MT BLU ~ LIFE AND LOVE and commented:
    I’m sad, I’m upset and I’m very angry. I’ll make damn sure that my children will be able to defend themselves. They’ll learn to use dissuasion and diplomacy, and if that fails they’ll defend themselves through martial arts. I won’t let any little punk ass piece of shit lay hands on MY children. Over my fucking dead body!!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m really sorry you had to see that for what it is, your anger and disapproval is well noted, so if you cannot stomach to watch just one kid take his own life, remember that’s only one, what about the other thousand’s, this is an excellent short film, there is no other way to spread the message, it should go viral around the world as a lesson, I guess that plan back fired too, it lets us create a mental picture of exactly how real and serious the situation has become, produced so well it sits on the borderline of the viewer being traumatized, the soul purpose of producing a short film on Bullying the Silent Killer, is to make a point, as it certainly does that, one other thing your missing the point, there is actually no physical contact, it is a form of brain washing, were as the victim does all the work for the killer, I mean the Bully, bullying can and will be defeated as will all “EVIL” count on it πŸ™‚ lotsa luv


      • “I’m really sorry you had to see that for what it is, your anger and disapproval is well noted, so if you cannot stomach to watch just one kid take his own life, remember that’s only one, what about the other thousand’s, this is an excellent short film, there is no other way to spread the message, it should go viral around the world as a lesson, I guess that plan back fired too,”

        Huh? I’m confused by what you’re saying here.
        1. I have zero tolerance about bullying, whether it’s verbally or physically.
        2. I agree, this short film should go viral in addition to the one I posted on my own blog.
        3. Nothing back fired. πŸ˜‰

        …”it lets us create a mental picture of exactly how real and serious the situation has become, produced so well it sits on the borderline of the viewer being traumatized, the soul purpose of producing a short film on Bullying the Silent Killer, is to make a point, as it certainly does that, one other thing your missing the point, there is actually no physical contact, it is a form of brain washing, were as the victim does all the work for the killer, I mean the Bully, bullying can and will be defeated as will all β€œEVIL” count on it πŸ™‚ lotsa luv”

        4. I don’t think I missed the point. I said in my comment “I’ll make damn sure that my children will be able to defend themselves. They’ll learn to use dissuasion and diplomacy,…”.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The point I’m trying to make is, Bullying has been around since the beginning and yet it continues, awareness is taking it’s course now, With all the campaigns, the prevention groups, Advocates, Activists and then hitting the media, we have also started introducing new legislation, so the perpetrators can and will answer to justice. Bullying is no longer acceptable in our society, if it do continue, the law will be equipped to deal with it as with every other criminal offence, just a matter of time now…cheers


      • I think part of Blu’s point was giving children the first line of defense to begin with may lend to reducing the effects of bullying. The law is not a first line of defense, and the law is not always going to work. We have laws for a multitude of things, but law does not equate to protection. On the physical contact… I was bullied, when I was younger, and there was plenty of physical contact. People attempted bullying my brother, also using physical contact. I ended up learning Tae Kwon Do and applying Jeet Kune Do, through my own study, to it. The bullying stopped immediately after. Friends of mine followed suit. None of us were ever bullied again. I think what people miss about bullying is that bullying takes on so many different forms, from the verbal to the physical. Some people do get physically harmed in bullying. Some people are “brainwashed”, as you say, which leads to suicide. But I don’t believe that the law will be enough. Why? Perhaps it’s because I have laws that “protect” me from discrimination…but I’m still discriminated against. I’ve learned it’s always best to be prepared to defend one’s Self, to know how to defend one’s Self, and I believe that was the point that Blu was making. In this video, it did not appear Ronan did not know how to defend himself, and that seems to be prevalent amongst children who are bullied. They never know how to defend themselves. That’s the one thing that is never taught; that is the one thing that is never given a child is the tools to defend one’s Self. I know; it’s not possible in ALL cases, but in many cases it is. Somewhere, the example has to be set. If one cannot defend one’s Self, I can. Sometimes, the law comes into play much too late.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I must apologize but we will have to finish this conversation another time, I have not even had the chance to read the post you made yet, we are going out for dinner and I am running late, have a great evening…cheers


  8. Reblogged this on JJBollOX and commented:
    I’m not writing much. Will you take the 16 minutes to watch this through and reflect on the predictable outcome? That the outcome is predictable yet we still support a world that allows this to slip by us..
    Those of you who consider competitiveness a natural element of human beings.. Can you step aside of that basic-ness and wonder, what if it wasn’t? What if it were profitable to care, to help others..?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Reblogged this on Johnbalaya and commented:
    Brings back a lot of painful memories of my school years. I was in sixth grade the first time I thought of killing myself, to escape the bullying — and, while I didn’t kill myself then, the thought has never left, and seems to be my first response to any bad situation…

    I hope that we can make bullying a thing of the past…no child should have to be made to feel inferior by their peers. Life is tough enough as it is…

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi everyone I am pleased that you are all sharing the Bullying Video’s and re blogging them, it is truly my honor to supply this information and travel the road of awareness because it’s the only weapon we have right now,, and all work together for a bettter tomorrow, so check back often for more, and thank you everyone for the kind words…lotsa luv….cheers Terry


  11. I am so grateful to find your blog. My13 yr. old niece is in hospital right now suicidal(among other things), because of two years of bullying. It makes me furious that this has happened to her. The important thing now is she is getting help. I believe most of it stemmed from cyber bullying through text, email and the famous Facebook. Thank you for raising more awareness on the facts . I look forward to camping out on your site and reading on.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am really sorry to hear about your daughter, I will say a prayer for her, also tell her to be strong and proud and never give in to the Bully that’s where they draw their strength she must confront them, once she stands up to them it weaken’s them, because once they realize they no longer have a hold over you, they move on, but depending where you reside, legislation for Bullying is much more wide spread than we were first lead to believe, not sure you have yet or not but the police can help.. I wish her a speedy recovery and the guidance of God…lotsa luv…Terry


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