Teen Bullying

Is teenage bullying common?

According to statistics from Family First Aid, about 30 percent of teenagers in the U.S. have been involved in bullying, either as a bully or as a victim of teenage bullying. Data suggests that teenage bullying is more common among younger teens than it is among older teens. However, it may be that young teens are more prone to physical bullying, which is easier to identify, and that older teens are more sophisticated in methods of bullying that are not always exactly identified as such.

Physical bullying is more common among boys, and teenage girls often favor verbal and emotional bullying. Indeed, while boys report that they are more likely to be involved in physical altercations, girls report that they are often the targets of nasty rumors – especially involving sexual gossip. Additionally, girls are more likely to use exclusion as a teenage bullying technique than boys are.

What are some of the effects of teenage bullying?

There are a number of effects that come with teenage bullying. First of all, there are the obvious physical problems and injuries that can result from physical bullying. However, emotional, verbal and cyber bullying can deeply affect teens as well. These activities can lead to depression (and even suicide), drug use and stunted social development. These are problems that can affect a person well into adulthood.

Another problem can be that of retaliation. In some cases, bullied teens have violent fantasies of attacking their tormentors. There are instances in which these teens become violent, turning on their classmates in order to get revenge. This can be a cause of heartbreak and difficulty.

Reducing teenage bullying

It is very difficult to address teen bullying. However, there are some things that can help discourage bullying situations. Teens should be encouraged to seek friends, in person and online, who are supportive and kind. They should try to move in groups if possible, since bullies most often single out those who are alone.

Also, it is important to have teachers and other adult authorities present when possible to discourage bullying behavior. You can also talk to bullies about more appropriate behavior, and hope that they are willing to listen.

In the end, it is difficult to totally prevent teenage bullying – especially if it is verbal, emotional or cyber bullying. You should encourage good efforts to reduce bullying, and let victims see that you are involved in these efforts. The best thing you can do is be encouraging to bullying victims and try to help them get through this tough time as unscathed as possible.

Bullying Satistics; http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/teenage-bullying.html

5 thoughts on “Teen Bullying

  1. I am so happy that there are blogs like yours to talk about how serious bullying is. It’s hard to believe that bullying is so common and is not only something that happens in books or movies, but it’s not! Bullying is a serious matter that is growing and needs to be stopped. Thank you for spreading awareness!


    • Thank you for the kind words, your thoughts are always welcome. Bullying is definitely a reality that we can no longer ignore, it won’t just go away, requiring constant attention even if it’s only awareness. Thank you for the kind words, your thoughts are always welcome.


  2. It really sounds like you’re posting some really good stuff here. It’s good to see other people posting about this terrible and depressing subject. Thanks for the help that you are giving to other people.


    • The pleasure is all ours, as victims we know only to well the effects of Bullying and promise to keep going with our fight against this cowardly acts of hate. Thank you for your kind words, keep your chin up and keep smiling πŸ™‚ lotsa luv to all B.P


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