The purpose – to broadly raise awareness of the 30 inalienable rights as proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

United for Human Rights (UHR) is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to implementing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at local, regional, national and international levels. Its membership is comprised of individuals, educators and groups throughout the world who are actively forwarding the knowledge and protection of human rights by and for all Mankind.

Its purpose is to provide human rights educational resources and activities that inform, assist and unite individuals, educators, organizations and governmental bodies in the dissemination and adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at every level of society.

United for Human Rights was founded on the Declaration’s 60th anniversary, in the face of continued worldwide abuses which violate the spirit, intent and Articles of this charter of all human rights, the first such document ever ratified by the community of nations. Surveys have found that most people have only a limited understanding of human rights. The Declaration contains the thirty rights that together form the basis of a civilization wherein all people can enjoy the freedoms to which they are entitled, and nations can coexist in peace.

More information: http://www.HumanRights.com

Eleanor Roosevelt with the English version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Eleanor Roosevelt with the English version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Simplified)

    1. Human Right #1: We are all born free and equal.
    2. Human Right # 2 Everyone has the same rights, no matter their differences.
    3. Human Right #3: Everyone has the right to life and to live in freedom and safety.
    4. Human Right #4: Everyone has the right to freedom from slavery.
    5. Human Right #5: Everyone has the right to freedom from torture.
    6. Human Right #6 You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go.
    7. Human Right #7 We’re All Equal Before The Law.
    8. Human Right #8: The human rights of everyone are protected by law.
    9. Human Right #9: Everyone has the right to not be unjustly imprisoned or banned from their country.
    10. Human Right #10: All people have the right to fair and public trial, and before unbiased judiciary and peers.
    11. Human Right #11: Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and everyone has the right to bear evidence to prove their innocence.
    12. Human Right #12: Everyone has the right to privacy in their homes, their communications and their personal affairs.
    13. Human Right #13: Everyone has the right to go where they want in their own country and to travel as they wish.
    14. Human Right #14: Anyone has the right to overcome maltreatment in their own country by finding asylum in another, safer country.

Furthermore, man is basically good. He is seeking to survive. And his survival depends upon himself, his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.



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