My Journal

my-journalWell the time has come to clear the air on one issue anyway, in late 2009 December to be precise, I was living in Renfrew, Ontario and decided to give a friend a break. She was having relationship problems and her Marriage had failed, with no place to go, needing a place to live I offered my second bedroom, she accepted. During the two months living with me I had a hard time getting to use my Personal Computer, I gave her permission but she was now taking advantage of my kindness. I also requested that she not go through my personal files. I’m sure everyone keeps some kind of Journal or Diary, anyway I did and still do keep a Journal today. She had confronted me one evening regarding personal information contained within my Journal that was also on my P C. Just the fact that she did such a personal thing as reading my Journal was very distributing to me and I was very upset, voicing my concerns. Needless to say our relationship did not last much longer, and not a very pleasant ending I might add, not to mention the lives that were destroyed, and the hell she caused for a lot of other people for more than four years now. The most disturbing part of this whole issue is I am blamed for the slander, and the lives she destroyed, the information she read in my Journal she used against me out of spite, the worst thing anyone could ever do, knowing what would happen if she repeated it, she promised she would never repeat what she read. IT was not meant for anyone to ever read as are my Journals now which are encrypted, no one can ever read them without my approval. In closing this lady knows who she is, I want you to know that you show no sense of remorse and you seem to have no conscience, also I want to say thank you for all the hell you created in my life, with such evil intent, I just wonder how someone like you can sleep at night?……………just saying, for now Ro Osborne πŸ™‚

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8 thoughts on “My Journal

  1. That kind of betrayal can be devastating. I hope you are able to move past the pain and damage she created and that you don’t shy away from doing something kind for someone again even though you were hurt in the process. Never let people like that steal your light.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the kind words, yes I have moved pass the pain now, those that matter know the truth now and that’s all that matters, and the truth will be told and I will say I’m sorry now because enough is enough..lotsa luv.


  2. I get upset of various reasons when I read this post. I get upset because when you show empathy and kindness, offering a place in your own home – you get treated in this absolutely respectless way! No one reads another persons diary! Period. And if it happens because of the persons despair, he/she’s desperate and drunk and madly in love and can’t have better judgement….he/she Never reveals it. Period.

    I hope that you are surrounded mostly by friends that treats you as that open, kind and good person you are.
    I don’t know you personally, but for me you’re a highly regarded blogg friend, one of the first persons that followed and believed in my blog. And I still refer to you when I’m talking to friends about blogging. When I tell them that there ARE good people on internet.
    I also admire your journey those month. You’re strengt is inspiring. Keep up your great job!
    All the best/Lotta

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Lotta, it was hard to deal with at first but it don’t concern me now, my life is moving in the right direction and I have never been happier, I have kept everything locked up inside to protect them but not any more, the truth and nothing but the truth moving froward, I don’t care who it hurts, I’m thinking about me now, I have taken the fall way to long, I’m sure the media will have a field day once I go to court and testify and have my say..I have more job offers now than I have weekends, just waiting on my diploma….lotsa luv… πŸ™‚


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