“Speak Up,” a Stop Bullying: Speak Up Special Presentation

Published on Mar 18, 2012
Together, we can make a difference and help put a stop to bullying. You’re watching “Speak Up,” a Stop Bullying: Speak Up special presentation on Cartoon Network’s YouTube page. After the show check out the viewer Q&A session with anti-bullying expert Rosalind Wiseman http://bit.ly/wyaPEe
We are all online these days, Facebooking, Tweeting or posting videos to YouTube, and for teens, the web is a fact of life. Let’s be honest: it’s a quick and easy way to spread gossip, name call, tease or even taunt another student.

It’s all created some new questions for lawmakers and our educators. A new house bill has been filed that would require schools to enact policies prohibiting bullying or harassment on a computer.

School officials would also have to investigate reported incidents, even if they happen after school or off campus.

State Representative Mike Fasano from New Port Richey is co-sponsoring the bill. He says it’s a problem we can no longer ignore and says some counties in Florida don’t have a code of conduct that even mentions cyber bullying. Some experts stress legislation alone is not the answer.

In October of 2010, Dr. Keith Ablow was quoted as saying, “I think what we’re seeing here, really, is the dehumanizing, depersonalizing aspect of this technology. Yes, we definitely have to get the word out that you can hurt people with this.”

However, there are also some Hillsborough County school board members that have some concerns about the new proposed bill. Some feel that if a student is cyber bullied at home or off school property, should the school really step in?

Some board members feel that’s when parents and guardians need to get more responsible.

The new bill is coming to light after several recent tragic events in our area, including one in December, when a Pasco County teen took her own life after reportedly being the victim of online taunts and teasing.

Read more: http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/story/21667197/2013/03/18/lawmakers-push-for-cyber-bullying-legislation#ixzz2PlBdlgLE
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3 thoughts on ““Speak Up,” a Stop Bullying: Speak Up Special Presentation

  1. If you’ve got a kid, you must prepare your kid to deal with this. That starts around age 3.
    Bullying is real – everyone gets bullied at some time or another – even as adults since bully kids grow up to be bully bosses.
    Kids must be strong and resilient enough to walk on
    Parents are the key ( both the bully’s and the “bullied”)
    Remind kids there’s always someone smarter and always someone dumber that you are. We have to get along.
    Words are just words: sticks and stones break bone – words are laughable. Sense of humor is important and disarming sometimes.
    Do not wait/ assume someone else will take care of your kid or protect them.
    Schools are terrified of being sued.
    Some parents just don’t care or are bullies themselves.
    If it’s off school property it’s the parent’s responsibility.
    It’s not easy – but it’s not new.
    Research shows that cyber bullying is less frequently done than that done in “person” (despite what the media says)
    I am not pro bully, just been there as and child and my kid was small and smart and had a hard time. It can be dealt with.
    (I recommend a marital arts school with a philosophy of inner strength and self confidence – practice fighting is to build that. Not to be used in school for self defense unless there is real danger. Holding your head high and making good eye contact says “I am not afraid and I am on my way somewhere. Move.”
    Toughen your kid mentally. Bullies are cowards and losers. Believing that is the first step.
    Bullying: Just a perpetual evil of dysfunctional society


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