Third of Five Freedoms for Freedom from Workplace Bullies Week

#3: Freedom to be Believed
FreedomWeek-13-2 Adults expect that when they speak, others will accept their version of reality as truth. This is especially true of guileless people who do not scam or scheme others. They speak about what they honestly see, felt or think.
Bullied targets are prone to wait a long time before confronting their bully (and thus being completely ineffective). Then, when the tale is finally told, it is spewed out like verbal salad β€” confusing, emotional, disjointed, out of sequence and very vivid. The form of the presentation makes it easy to dismiss. Raw hurt emotions scare listeners. They tune out. The facts about extreme incidents of abuse strain credulity.
Of course, unchecked bullying does escalate and becomes more dehumanizing. It is hard to believe that β€œBob” is capable of abuse that the target reports. It all seems less credible when the incidents happened behind closed doors. Bob says he never did it (no duh).
The result β€” bullied targets are not believed. They are branded paranoid, conspiratorial, delusion or mentally ill. This further frustrates targets. They waited a long time to report their misery only to be discounted or laughed at. They thought the employer would be diligent and want to stop the abuse.
Behind the circling of the wagons around Bob is that Bob enjoys protection from his β€œexecutive sponsor.” The entire organization now turns against the reporting target. She or he is branded a troublemaker for daring to say negative things about someone or the way things are unfairly done. People who appear non-compliant with the dominant norm are branded β€œuncivil.” That ability of targets to speak truth to power is eventually worn down. Sadly, after weeks or months of exclusion from the workteam, targets become more compliant. They give in. Sadly, they accept the alienation, isolation and rejection characterizing their world of work.
Disbelief of targets also is fueled by the hierarchy in organizations. The majority (72%) of bullies are bosses. Over half of targets are non-supervisory workers. It’s simple (and incorrect) logic. Bosses are believed without question; workers are doubted. Thus, bullies’ version of reality are accepted as fact. Targets’ tales, which sound eccentric and emotional, are discounted. In other words, regardless of the people involved β€” a pathological liar bully and moral principled target β€” bosses are believed while complainants are not.
It doesn’t matter to targets that the process may be impersonal. Being called a liar when they know they are telling the truth is taken very personally. Why doesn’t HR and management believe them? Targets underestimate that the majority of workers stay in their role and follow orders, as a manager expected to support other managers, as a HR staffer expected to support management. It always seems to surprise targets how unsupportive their employers are.
The only hope to change this cycle of not believing people who complain about bullying is to stop relying on internal staff to handle complaint-investigation-correction processes. External professionals trained in the dynamics of workplace bullying need to get involved. The biases and allegiance to role preclude HR or managers from honest fact-finding. Internal groups are invested in the outcomes of an investigation.
To HR and managers, it seems natural that they would handle complaints. The well established record of failing to conduct fair investigations and the collateral damage to veteran workers’ careers caused by the complaining combine to suggest changes.
Principled moral people like bullied targets deserve to be believed when they are telling the truth.
Liars β€” bullies or targets β€” do not deserve protection from their organizations.

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#1: Freedom to Affiliate with Friends at Work
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Archives: Workplace Bullying
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Ministerial Declaration on Ending Violence and Discrimination Against Individuals Based on Their Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

usdos-logo-sealMedia Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
September 26, 2013
US Department of State DIPLOMACY IN ACTION
The following is a declaration issued by members of the LGBT Core Group at the United Nations following their meeting.

Begin Text:

1. We, ministers of Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, El Salvador, France, Israel, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and United States, and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy – members of the LGBT Core Group at the United Nations – hereby declare our strong and determined commitment to eliminating violence and discrimination against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity.

2. In so doing, we reaffirm our conviction that human rights are the birthright of every human being. Those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) must enjoy the same human rights as everyone else.

3. We welcome the many positive steps taken in recent decades to protect LGBT individuals from human rights violations and abuses. Since 1990, some 40 countries have abolished discriminatory criminal sanctions used to punish individuals for consensual, adult same-sex conduct. In many countries, hate crime laws and other measures have been introduced to combat homophobic violence, and anti-discrimination laws have been strengthened to provide effective legal protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the workplace and other spheres, both public and private.

4. We also recognize that countering discrimination involves challenging popular prejudices, and we welcome efforts by Governments, national human rights institutions and civil society to counter homophobic and transphobic attitudes in society at large, including through concerted public education campaigns.

5. We assert our support for, and pay tribute to, LGBT human rights defenders and others advocating for the human rights of LGBT persons. Their work, often carried out at considerable personal risk, plays a critical role in documenting human rights violations, providing support to victims, and sensitizing Governments and public opinion.

6. We commend the adoption by the United Nations Human Rights Council of resolution 17/19 on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity, and we welcome the efforts of the Secretary-General and the High Commissioner for Human Rights to raise global awareness of human rights challenges facing LGBT individuals, and to mobilize support for measures to counter violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

7. Nevertheless, we remain gravely concerned that LGBT persons in all regions of the world continue to be victims of serious and widespread human rights violations and abuses.

8. A landmark 2011 study by the High Commissioner for Human Rights, which drew on almost two decades worth of work by United Nations human rights mechanisms, found a deeply disturbing pattern of violence and discriminatory laws and practices affecting individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

9. It is a tragedy that, in this second decade of the 21st century, consensual, adult, same-sex relations remain criminalized in far too many countries – exposing millions of people to the risk of arrest and imprisonment and, in some countries, the death penalty. These laws are inconsistent with States’ human rights obligations and commitments, including with respect to privacy and freedom from discrimination. In addition, they may lead to violations of the prohibitions against arbitrary arrest or detention and torture, and in some cases the right to life.

10. In all parts of the world – including in our own – LGBT individuals are subjected to intimidation, physical assault, and sexual violence, and even murder. Discriminatory treatment is also widely reported, inhibiting the enjoyment of a range of human rights – including the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, and work, education and enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health.

11. We are fully committed to tackling these violations and abuses – both at the domestic level, including through continued attention to the impact of current policies, and at the global level, including through concerted action at the United Nations.

12. We recognize the importance of continued dialogue between and within countries concerning how best to protect the human rights of LGBT persons, taking into account regional initiatives. In this context, we welcome the outcome of a series of recent regional consultations on the topic of human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity that took place in March and April 2013, and encourage the holding of further such meetings at regional and national levels.

13. Key to protecting the human rights of LGBT individuals is the full and effective implementation of applicable international human rights law. Existing international human rights treaties provide legally binding guarantees of human rights for all – LGBT people included. But for these guarantees to have meaning they must be respected by Governments, with whom legal responsibility for the protection of human rights lies.

14. Cognizant of the urgent need to take action, we therefore call on all United Nations Member States to repeal discriminatory laws, improve responses to hate-motivated violence, and ensure adequate and appropriate legal protection from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

15. We strongly encourage the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to continue its efforts to increase understanding of the human rights challenges facing LGBT people, advocate for legal and policy measures to meet these challenges, and assist the United Nations human rights mechanisms in this regard.

16. We agree with the United Nations Secretary-General’s assessment that combating violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity constitutes β€œone of the great, neglected human rights challenges of our time”. We hereby commit ourselves to working together with other States and civil society to make the world safer, freer and fairer for LGBT people everywhere.
You can view and read the official document of The United Nations here.

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Are You a Cyberbully?

well are you>??


Bullies, bullies everywhere,
No longer just a school affair
For into cyberspace they’ve gone,
Their faces hidden with a yawn
While posting pictures of someone
To laugh at just because it’s fun,
Or texting messages all day
With words that they would never say,
Not caring if it’s wrong or right,
Though most would run from a REAL fight –
Because they can, because you laugh,
Because you β€œlike” on their behalf,
Because it’s cool and not just mean
When done from a cowardly screen,
While someone cries and drowns in pain,
You β€œlike” and β€œshare” again, again.Β Β Copyright 2013 Β© Sonya Annita Song

For Tracesofthesoul: Cyberbullying Campaign.

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20 Years of Human Rights – The Road Ahead

HeaderIn 2013, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights marks 20 years since its establishment. In this video the UN Human Rights Office highlights some of the historic human rights events of the past 20 years, successes, challenges and looking forward on the road ahead – for human rights. 20th anniversary of the UN Human Rights Office


New Jersey Bans Gay Conversion, Joining California


 Gov. Chris Christie
Gov. Chris Christie
This article I felt I had to share, to be totally honest I can’t believe such a thing is happening, it is something one would read in maybe a fiction novel not reality, something I call BRAIN WASHING, but is as real as society itself. This takes me back to the question a video I posted a while back “When Did You Chose To Be Straight” and the amazing answers that were given once people actually gave it some thought, just keep in mind we are supposed to be a free society which I have yet to experience, rather fighting for my life and rights. Today, Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) has announced he will be signing a bill that forbids the practice of attempting to convert (Brain Wash) a homosexual-identifying minor to heterosexuality via therapy. Already an outspoken opponent of the practice, Christie and New Jersey will be joining California as the second state to oppose gay conversion therapy (Brain Washing). The news comes in the wake of gay conversion giant Exodus International closing its doors a couple months ago, and issuing a heartfelt public apology for all the harm and suffering it caused through its practices. Regardless of one’s religious beliefs or social beliefs on this sensitive issue, Christie believes that β€œGovernment should tread carefully into this area, and I do so here reluctantly… I believe that exposing children to these health risks without clear evidence of benefits that outweigh these serious risks is not appropriate. Based upon this analysis, I sign this bill into law.” Christie maintains an interesting record on the issue of homosexuality. Although Christie is a Catholic and affirms the Church’s tenets in that regard, he feels that people are born with the predisposition to be homosexual, and although he vetoed a bill that would have legalized same-sex marriage in New Jersey, he champions the anti-conversion legislation. β€œFor me personally, I don’t look upon someone who is homosexual as a sinner,” he has said on Piers Morgan. CNN reports that the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association and American Psychological Association all oppose the practice, regularly denounce it and observe that β€œefforts to change sexual orientations can pose critical health risks including, but not limited to, depression, substance abuse, social withdrawal, decreased self-esteem and suicidal thoughts.” California’s initial ban on gay conversion therapy is still being challenged in federal appeals court on First Amendment grounds. Previously not a major campaign issue, gay conversion therapy entered the scene through Michelle Bachmann’s (R-MN) husband Marcus, who owned a counseling center that engaged in gay conversion therapy, in spite of denials that he was never involved in the practice himself.It Gets Better Templateempower-me

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Workplace Bullying Made Simple

silent killer

$600,000 in damages awarded to workplace bullying victim
Jones Day, Adam Salter and Lisa Franzini Australia, July 24 2013
A recent Victorian Supreme Court decision has highlighted the need for employers to take swift action when an employee reports workplace bullying. The 61-year-old part-time employee was awarded $300,000 in damages for pain and suffering for a severe psychological condition that resulted from years of sustained intimidation, bullying and harassment from her manager, together with $292,554 for pecuniary loss.
The Court found that the employee experienced a β€œpattern” of bullying behaviour including a book being thrown at her and repeated verbal attacks from her manager, among other incidents over a four-year period. Back in 2003, and again in 2005, the employee notified her employer about the tension with her manager and the Court was satisfied that had the employer acted promptly, the employee would not have suffered any (or any significant) psychological injury. The Court was also critical of the employer for misleading the employee that it was taking action to deal with the complaint (e.g. promising to implement a workplace conduct policy) when it did not.
In finding the employer vicariously liable for the conduct of the manager, the Court emphasised that an employer cannot abrogate its responsibility for assessing the risk of injury to an employee. Once a complaint is made, the employer has a positive obligation to investigate.

Swan v Monash Law Book Co-operative (2013) VSC 326

Reflection for employers: With a new Federal bullying complaints jurisdiction commencing on 1 January 2014 and Safe Work Australia in the process of finalising a Code of Practice on bullying, there is no doubt that workplace bullying is under the spotlight in Australia. If your organisation does not already have a policy, it should be a priority to develop and implement one.
We recommend employers review their policies to set standards of appropriate workplace behaviour and ensure appropriate processes are in place to address grievances.

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Workplace Bullies, Corporate Psychopaths

silent killer

Yellow line

I Totally endorse this Article.
I Totally endorse this Article.
Workplace bullying is an issue that needs urgent attention. It is an international issue, and it is at the heart of creating environments where people can flourish as individuals. Everyone benefits from that. Workplace bullying is not violence in the workplace that you see on the evening news. Those tragedies do happen, but from the studies done so far, the damage a workplace bully does goes far deeper and extends more widely. It is a systematic, tortuous dismantling of the targeted employee’s mind, body, and spirit. The physical and mental consequences are dramatic. The intense stress resulting from deliberate and constant abuse can lead to hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, neurological disorders, immunological impairment, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and diabetes. iStock_Nick-Schlax-with-quoteThe psychological consequences are equally debilitating, including anxiety, panic attacks, clinical depression, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Relationships with family, friends, and workplace colleagues often suffer as well, creating a greater sense of alienation and hopelessness in bullying victims. Organizations are damaged as well by employee turnover, missed time at work, and impaired productivity of affected employees. When the overall extent of workplace bullying is considered (as many as 1 in 3 employees), the toll on the global economy is staggering, and unnecessary.
July 27, 2013 by Rebecca Popham
July 27, 2013 by Rebecca Popham
There are some actions employees who are victims of bullying can pursue. Depending on the situation and the extent of the bullying, these include coaching, working with a therapist, and seeking legal counsel. Ultimately, though, workplace bullying needs to be addressed in the same manner that racial and other forms of workplace discrimination were tackled, resulting in legal protections. The problem of workplace bullying has many causes and won’t be easily solved. A good starting place, however, is greater awareness of the problem and making sure that its victims are heard. As the studies cited above show, in the workplace the act of bullying is four times more common than illegal discrimination. There is an important clue hereβ€”if we as a society make the damaging behavior of bullying in the workplace illegal, with harsh penalties for the bully who breaks these laws, there is every reason to believe the problem could be significantly diminished. The culpability of the employer is, of course, a necessary ingredient, just as it is in handling cases of illegal discrimination.PrideEmpower Shape for Teens
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EYE CATCHERS is B.P’s new online Webstore, click the image above, stop by and like us.

Will We Speak Up or Be Silent? (#2)

silent killerTerry  Kinden To continue our quest to answer the blogger’s question and concern, “Will We Speak Up or Be Silent”? highlighted below, our first point of view we heard from a Christian β€œJesus Needs New PR” , our second point of view comes from a political stand point, lets look at their answer(s) or opinion, another from society’s prospective. So lets continue to try and answer your question with number 2 of 5, from “The Political Informer”, β€œthe blogger wrote”: β€œWith so many cases of bullying going on, I wonder if I should share my story as well…But I am unsure. Does reading about others who were bullied help to create a sense of care and community…or does it make those being bullied right now feel even worse to see that it has always been going on? I don’t want to make anyone upset, I want to let them know they’re not alone”.Yellow line The Political and Physical Side of Being Bullied by The Political Informerimages Girls picked on because they don’t fit in with the preconceived notions of popularity…Boys ostracized because they refuse to give up on their values, or fit in with the rather unintelligent group of muscle-flaunting dimwits….The stories are endless and disgusting. Take for instance, this one girl, Audrie Pott, who hanged herself after “being sexually battered while passed out at a party, and then humiliated by online photos of the assault” Or this guy, 15 year old Benji Backer who was bullied (and cussed at) by his teacher for being a conservative. Not only are both of these stories incredibly saddening (especially Audrie’s), but they both show different ends of the bullying spectrum. One side is based on how you act, and how you look….The other is what you believe, and what you support….Benji pointed out that teachers, and a large portion of the media, are against bullying homosexuals. As are many Conservatives and Libertarians. Yet Benji points out how hypocritical many of those in the media are. If teachers expect bullying to end with homosexuals, they should want it to end with every type of bullying possible, including political views. But as many of you have seen, and personally experienced, that is not always the case. Bullying-Versus-Free-SpeechBenji Backer was lucky. His bullying problem is actually being investigated by the school. What will come out of it is uncertain, but at least the problem is being acknowledged and investigated by the school principle. However, Audrie Pot had to take her life to bring her bullying to light. And that’s what kills me. Even though those responsible have been arrested it took the death of a high school girl to bring about that justice. Which I would argue is not justice. So now your filled with depression with some hatred and possibly a clenched fist. What can be done to end this you ask? For one, you can empower your children to take a stand against bullying. Group HugNone of that loving peace talk that many so called “experts” spread who have never even experienced being bullied. You take a stand by being strong. Which doesn’t always mean beating the snot out of the bully (which does work pretty well). One strategy you could use is by utilizing social media. Spread the word. Get a picture of the bully and then tell the world what kind of person that bully really is. The more people know that he or she is a no good sucking bully the more pressure will be put on him. This strategy could bring heat on you from the bully, but that’s when you get any buddy you can and make a stand. Standing against a bully is never easy, but it sure beats the heck out of “ignoring it.” As if that has ever worked out well. How many stories are out there of kids who have killed themselves because of bullying?
I would say to many…Stand up and Speak out…..~ God bless and good luck!

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Casualty of Cruelty

A BULLIED teenager who suffered horrific injuries when he attempted suicide has died more than two years after his tormenters drove him to despair.Yellow line

 Bullied Boy Dakoda-Lee Stainer tormented to death
Bullied Boy Dakoda-Lee Stainer tormented to death
Dakoda-Lee Stainer, 14, suffered brain damage when deprived of oxygen for more than 20 minutes after he tried to take his own life in 2009 following severe bullying. Left in a wheelchair, unable to speak or walk, and taking food and liquids through a tube to his stomach, the teen died on Valentine’s Day this year. After Dakoda-Lee’s tragic story was revealed in The Daily Telegraph last year, close family friends launched a campaign against bullying of the kind that drove the north coast teenager to try to end his life. Sharon Grady of Yarravel, near Kempsey, yesterday said no one deserved the treatment Dakoda-Lee had suffered, but bullying was still happening.Yellow line “We have now lost this precious, loving and caring young man who was talented in so many areas,” Ms Grady said. On the day he tried to end his life, the teen, who attended Melville High School at Kempsey, had been accosted by a gang of youths on the school bus after months of relentless attacks by bullies. About a year earlier another 14-year-old, Alex Wildman, took his own life at Lismore after violent run-ins with fellow students, forcing education authorities to investigate how effectively schools were combating bullying. Alex’s stepfather, Bill Kelly, is suing the Department of Education and Communities for damages, claiming it breached its duty of care to the student. A major offensive against cyber bullying has been launched in schools. It involves graphic videos showing the dangers of online bullying designed to frighten students out of using the internet as a weapon to attack other children. The graphic films, using male and female teenage actors to depict savage bullying scenarios, are so realistic they have shocked children into changing their online behavior, parents and educators said.Yellow line If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one, the following agencies offer help:
-Lifeline – 13 11 14 (24-hour help line)
-SANE Australia on 1800 18 SANE (7263)
-Beyondblue Info Line 1300 22 4636
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